White working class voters have deserted the Democrat Party and in mass have joined the TRUMP for President and the Republican Party he now heads. Unless Democrats bring the once prosperous middle class back to the fold we could be doomed with the government bought and paid for with "Dark Money", and the biggest hustler to join the political class...ever!
What is left of the Democrat Party are elitist almost snobbish, educated and skilled professional types with job security, decent incomes and little or no empathy for those in lower circumstances.
Listen! The backlash is clearly audible against "moochers", government programs, the rich getting richer and not paying their share, while others are standing in the food checkout lines paying for T-Bone Steaks with food stamps.
Up comes the cry, "Let's make those free-loaders work for public benefits!" and "Time to banish free food, free healthcare, free housing, for lazy do nothings!" These mutterings are followed by: "Trump has it right:.. Let's make America Great again!"
The times before the loss of jobs, welfare checks and resentment of "bureaucracy" and anti-government views, before the middle class was destroyed and too many fell into poverty -- were these what we fondly remember as "the good old days?" Perhaps so...
No wonder, then, as people fell into poverty and they saw those who were still living the life of the middle class -- government employees, city, county, state and federal employees, steady income workers and those receiving health insurance, retirement plans and the beautiful benefits associated with year around jobs -- no wonder they became desperate.
Their deep feeling of resentment became "The deck is stacked against us." Complaints abounded condemning those minorities who are taking our jobs at half the wages, those "illegals" flooding across open borders that have no security; foreigners standing on street corners picking up those construction jobs that used to be unionized, good paying with added benefits...
No wonder people are taken in by the likes of Trump screaming "Back to the good old days!". It's not the days, per se, it's the good paying jobs!
Remember the pride we had in America? America the strong, the proud... before people became angry, distrustful? Now we're left with empty stores and former workers who are poverty-stricken. Now we have have desperate people exploited by payday lenders, auto title loans and advertisers shouting, "Cash for Gold."
As the financial crisis and the housing bubble burst down went jobs and up went unemployment. Downtown streets and parks have become meeting spots for unemployed, druggies and dealers. Idle hands turned to crime, despondency became dependency on illegal substances.
Looking around, people saw that there seemed to be plenty of money being spent on foreign countries, money being poured into military build-ups, but nothing for drug rehab, mental health treatment or worst of all, our kids' educations and paths to and paths of opportunity.
Meanwhile, where are the children of today? Are they all doing "beer-runs" and shop lifting a pair of shoes or a fresh shirt?... Unfortunately, America's youth is going downhill fast. All too often what young people call "home" is a house of violence with frequent screaming matches and blame throwing. Divorce coupled with "troubled times" can bring on harsh conditions for the young. As kids find themselves thrown into despair and uncertainty, they're all too often shuffled from one place to another, losing what roots and stability they had in sunnier times.
Suburbanites too often live like hillbillies without the back wood hills: fighting for quick profits over education, job skill training or family support. No wonder so many are looking for easy solutions and a way out. They slide so easily into becoming willing followers of Trump and the Republicans.
And we know what we can expect from the Republicans. They are all focused on turning their gains into more profits while diminishing government protections.
Trump appealed to the discouraged with empty promises: Follow me, and I will make you great again. I will make everyone in the world pay for associating with us. It's all their fault thinking they are smarter than Americans. I will send them the bill and make America great again.
Hey, Donald... What if they don't pay the bill?
Democrats, people who so want to believe no matter what -- are falling for the trap... Scapegoating is nothing new, Trump has no answers, but futile promises, "Buy my ticket and I will make you rich again." Ever won much on the lottery? Our chances with the Trump Republican Party are exactly the same.
The way back to the good old day...electing Democrats starting with the state legislatures, congress and yes, local offices. That is the way to building a renewed solid middle class. Democrats have led the way before and can do it again, we are experienced builders.
!!!My special thanks to K. Pastryk for her assist in editing my work and helping so much in presenting a more readable posting.!!!
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