It's the numbers! Control of the legislative process, direct input into the budget process where the money goes and where it comes from is right now three Senator votes away from a Democratic majority.
In the Senate a majority is 16...that's what it takes to force comprise, elect leadership, control committees make or break what laws get passed or repealed. This past Senate had 13 Democrats and 17 Republicans, but those 17 Republicans with the Republican Governor and Republican House of Representatives CONTROLLED what happened in state government.
Look again 17 - 13!
Now take away 3 and add them to the 13 and what do we have? A sane and sensible Democrat controlled state senate 16 - 14! The number is still a total of 30, however when the first day of the session begins and the roll is called those 16 Democrats exercise power over the flow of business in the Senate by electing a presiding officer.
Appointment of members to committees, naming of committee chairs, hiring of staff, the WORKS! That is where comprise and Democrat input starts being felt again in state government.
A lot of words to point out how important it is to elect a Democrat in Legislative District 11. RALPH ATCHUE is gaining ground against his Republican opponent and needs your help.
Word of Mouth and published words, like in Letters to the Editor and knocking on doors spreading the news to your entire sphere of influence.
Contact Ralph for a list of newspapers in LD 11 and volunteer to help.
Ralph Atchue <> .
A simple little letter - sample:
Like Spring time blooms flowers, election time sprouts signs. No one can help but notice the battle for space on every corner. Most political signs offer no more relevant information than the candidate’s name but some do go beyond that. One such campaign sign gives me pause.
The so-called Conservative Team of Steve Smith for Senate and Mark Finchem and Vince Leach for House have been planting signs every where across Arizona’s Legislative District 11. If you look closely, you won’t see who paid for these signs, or even a contact name - did they appear from thin air? The signs carry their 3 word slogan: “God * Family * Country” In the case of these three incumbents this is only a catchy slogan - their voting records are proof they don’t believe in any of it.
In this past session they voted to shred the state constitution regarding public education funding, definition of “conflict of interest” and stacking the State Supreme Court. They voted to enhance “Dark Money”, make access to higher education more expensive and to give taxing authority to non elected developers. All of these hurt Arizona’s working families.
Perhaps most egregious, is their lack of concern for Arizona’s most precious resource - our children. I’m sure we all agree that well nourished and healthy kids stand a better chance for success than those who are hungry and sick. The Conservative Team, knowing the impact of their vote full well, voted twice to kill KidsCare. Arizona would have been the only state to deny under privileged children this Federally paid for program. Smith, Finchem and Leach proved they don’t care at all about God, family or country.
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