Monday, August 31, 2015

STOP The "illegal immigration crap"

40% of the undocumented HUMANS who are in this country arrived legally with PERMISSION to enter.

Students, tourists, temporary workers, business related persons, truck drivers, etc. with restricted legal authority to be in the United States.

During the 1930s Great Depression, counties and cities in the American Southwest and Midwest forced Mexican immigrants and their families to leave the U.S. over concerns they were taking jobs away from whites despite their legal right to stay.
The result: Around 500,000 to 1 million Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans were pushed out of United States during the so-called 1930s' repatriation.
<In good times, plentiful employment and employers are seeking low wage workers look at the open gates to the United States.  Government officials and business leaders recognize that immigrants could fill the need for cheap labor and encouraged the flow of workers.>
The immigration system is broken and in need of an overhaul.  This we know.
Common-sense reform would restore public faith in the system and level the playing field for all Americans, while supercharging the economic benefits from our immigrant population.  {Bringing people out from living day by day in a hidden under-ground America.}  It is estimated <2012>  there were 11.3 million unauthorized migrants living in the United States.
Mixed Status  <Issue of breaking up families.>
Undocumented immigrants are often part of the same family as documented immigrants.  Which points to another problem, it is estimated 9 million families have U.S. born children citizens.   The unauthorized immigrants are not new to this country, the median length of residence is 13 years.   62 percent of undocumented immigrants have been living in the United States for 10 years or longer, and a full 88 percent have been living in here for five years or longer.  Of course they have families, children, U.S. citizen spouses.
U.S.-born children of immigrants have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the Constitution's 14th Amendment in 1868. A Supreme Court ruling in 1898 halted previous attempts to limit the birthright of Chinese-American citizens after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act.  United States Supreme Court affirmed that regardless of race or the immigration status of one’s parents, all persons born in the United States were entitled to all of the rights that citizenship offered.   <...and nothing has changed or been challenged since 1898.  take that Mr. Trump>

REPUBLICAN PROBLEM  <and they know it>
Second-generation immigrants—children of immigrants—are the driving force behind the growth of the Latino electorate.   They have "birth certificates" and are United States citizens with the Constitutional guarantee of all the rights and privileges including voting.
Republicans across the country have sought to build road-blocks to voting and have created a growing problem for themselves.  You can be an 80 year old fourth generation European American who has been voting for 50 years and move across the country to be with one of your children and don't hold a "proper" government issued photo ID and are refused the right to vote.  Top it off they have been voting Republican since Barry Goldwater in 1964.  {Not many but a growing number.}
As was proven with the reelection of President Barack Obama in 2012 the progressive groups who generally support a strong government that will expand opportunities and personal freedom for all Americans is growing. That coalition is growing and gaining political power.

full electronic entry-exit system that can check machine-readable passport, visa, and biographical information for all immigrants who leave by airports and seaports by the end of 
Senate-passed immigration reform bill, S. 744   achievable pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.   

Immigration enforcement

cost of apprehending, detaining, processing, and transporting one individual in deportation proceedings.

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