Monday, August 31, 2015

STOP The "illegal immigration crap"

40% of the undocumented HUMANS who are in this country arrived legally with PERMISSION to enter.

Students, tourists, temporary workers, business related persons, truck drivers, etc. with restricted legal authority to be in the United States.

During the 1930s Great Depression, counties and cities in the American Southwest and Midwest forced Mexican immigrants and their families to leave the U.S. over concerns they were taking jobs away from whites despite their legal right to stay.
The result: Around 500,000 to 1 million Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans were pushed out of United States during the so-called 1930s' repatriation.
<In good times, plentiful employment and employers are seeking low wage workers look at the open gates to the United States.  Government officials and business leaders recognize that immigrants could fill the need for cheap labor and encouraged the flow of workers.>
The immigration system is broken and in need of an overhaul.  This we know.
Common-sense reform would restore public faith in the system and level the playing field for all Americans, while supercharging the economic benefits from our immigrant population.  {Bringing people out from living day by day in a hidden under-ground America.}  It is estimated <2012>  there were 11.3 million unauthorized migrants living in the United States.
Mixed Status  <Issue of breaking up families.>
Undocumented immigrants are often part of the same family as documented immigrants.  Which points to another problem, it is estimated 9 million families have U.S. born children citizens.   The unauthorized immigrants are not new to this country, the median length of residence is 13 years.   62 percent of undocumented immigrants have been living in the United States for 10 years or longer, and a full 88 percent have been living in here for five years or longer.  Of course they have families, children, U.S. citizen spouses.
U.S.-born children of immigrants have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the Constitution's 14th Amendment in 1868. A Supreme Court ruling in 1898 halted previous attempts to limit the birthright of Chinese-American citizens after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act.  United States Supreme Court affirmed that regardless of race or the immigration status of one’s parents, all persons born in the United States were entitled to all of the rights that citizenship offered.   <...and nothing has changed or been challenged since 1898.  take that Mr. Trump>

REPUBLICAN PROBLEM  <and they know it>
Second-generation immigrants—children of immigrants—are the driving force behind the growth of the Latino electorate.   They have "birth certificates" and are United States citizens with the Constitutional guarantee of all the rights and privileges including voting.
Republicans across the country have sought to build road-blocks to voting and have created a growing problem for themselves.  You can be an 80 year old fourth generation European American who has been voting for 50 years and move across the country to be with one of your children and don't hold a "proper" government issued photo ID and are refused the right to vote.  Top it off they have been voting Republican since Barry Goldwater in 1964.  {Not many but a growing number.}
As was proven with the reelection of President Barack Obama in 2012 the progressive groups who generally support a strong government that will expand opportunities and personal freedom for all Americans is growing. That coalition is growing and gaining political power.

full electronic entry-exit system that can check machine-readable passport, visa, and biographical information for all immigrants who leave by airports and seaports by the end of 
Senate-passed immigration reform bill, S. 744   achievable pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.   

Immigration enforcement

cost of apprehending, detaining, processing, and transporting one individual in deportation proceedings.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Arizona Democrats Falling Behind

Recent days have seen reports showing Democrats are being washed away as if the monsoons have created a downhill stream landsliding everything Democrat.

I realize the Democratic party is not overrun with rich corporation heads, or wealthy hedge fund managers soaking up profits from tax collection loopholes given as gifts from the GOP state and national legislative and congressional leaders.  Maybe I should not say gifts, but put it in clearer and what could be better described as "payback" for their financial contributions to GOP election victories.

Report #1
Republicans out raised Democrats more than two to one.  Latest financial reports show the Republican coffers grew at an outstanding rate as Democrat lagged badly behind.

Republicans raised $942,000 to Democrats $406,000 during the last reporting period.  It is said, "Money is the Mother's Milk of politics". While over the years Democrats and Democratic causes have trailed the GOP money raising machines they have made up for it in people power.

Report #2
Republicans have increased their voter registration advantage by several thousand. Voter registration in Arizona shows 34% prefer the Republican label over the Democrats 28%.

But wait, 36% turned down both political parties and registered to vote Independent or "other".   Since Independent is not a political party with a party platform or statement of values, why did a majority of voters register Independent?

Report #3
Democrats elected not ONE statewide Democrat to office in 2014. Arizona's election results could only be described as dismal also losing one Congressional seat in one of the worse elections ever for the party.

<It was NOT the candidates!  The Democratic slate of candidates were well qualified and in many cases far superior choices to their Republican opponents.>

Report #4
In February the Democratic National Committee released a report saying the Democrats lacked a "cohesive narrative" in the just then completed 2014 election.

What does that mean?  Did the Republicans offer a better more sound program of governing?  Was it more voters agreed with them on core values and Democrats were out of step with the majority opinion of voters?  That was certainly not the case according to every public opinion poll or sampling of voters as they left the polling stations in 2014.

By a wide margin the majority of Americans agree with the positions and values of the Democratic party across the board.  It is presently and definitely over the past several years the problem of messaging.  It is not the Democrats core values and beliefs but the inability of delivering the narrative to the voters.

Governor Howard Dean as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee for the 2008 election had it right on the mark with his "50-state strategy".   Since then the coalition of Democrats nationwide has fallen apart with almost everyone running in circles not able to put winning tactics together.

To quote a person of noted participation in the political process, author and syndicated columnist, Arianna Huffington, "Ever wonder how the radical right has been able to convince the average Americans to repeatedly vote against their own interests?  It's the framing, stupid!"

She was following up on a book by California Professor George Lakoff, "don't think of an elephant!"  Lakoff states, "Know your values and frame the debate."   Democrats have failed miserably in conveying their message.

I do not believe the Democrats are less passionate in their principals, but haven't mastered the way to promote and connect their candidates and their goals and aspirations in a meaningful way.  Nationally and in Arizona Democrats have lost their way to deliver their message to voters in a concise way.  No vision and convincing talk with voters has taken place.

DEMOCRATS Beware of 2020  The election before nationwide Congressional and Legislative REDISTRICTING.  How goes the drawing of political lines so goes the battles over future legislation.  Spending Priorities are on the block!

Watching the financial powers behind the Republican takeovers of so many statehouses, legislative and congressional seats in 2010 should have been a lesson.  It was well planned.

Liberals and Progressives better brush up on tactics to sway voters to the Democratic party again.  Attacks on Voting Rights with attempts to discourage and hamper voting must be beaten back.  Don't let anyone let the air out of the footballs.  We aren't looking for unfair advantages just a level playing field.

Democrats need to look at voters who register Independent.  If those voters wanted to join the ranks of the GOP they could have easily done it. Democrats need to put meaningful recruitment into place, show Independents solid reasons to JOIN...REDO...CHANGE their voter registration.  

Remember humans are creatures of HABIT, just like large retail stores who get folks in their store with giant grand opening sales, special events knowing they will be back with the store or brand often. Democrats need to seek commitment and then keep faith with their followers with action. Promises made, values of fairness, equality and opportunity delivered.

Democrats need to learn to deliver their message that resonates with voters.  Narrow down the issues and talking points to attract voters, campaign hard for registration in the Democrat ranks using bread and butter economic issues and offers of a vision of future opportunity.

Democrats need to exercise evangelical zeal in reaching out to Independent voters. Each and every  advocate of Democratic values and progressive principles must become a tireless worker to bring these voters into the fold.  It actually should be an easy task finding agreement on issues, the difficulty of course is to find common ground and then prepare them to change their voter registration and request being put on the Permanent Early Voting list.  

The act of filling out and signing the request form is a great time to suggest they designate Democrat on the registration form.  No effort can be more important other than getting them to the ballot box for the election.  Just the act of registering Democrat is planting the seed of election day action.  

While registering Democrat is not a 100% guarantee they will vote or mark their ballots for all the Democratic candidates,  When they get down the ballot in some of the lesser know races at least they can identify with Democrat candidates.  Just think if we could have had 200 more votes in the Congressional District lost in 2014.

It is well worth the effort!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sales Tax School Holiday

Democrats asking all to join in Family Friendly Sales Tax Exemption for
"Back to School Shopping".

Democrats of Oro Valley Club have proposed seeking legislation in the next session of the Arizona Legislature to have a "sales tax free holiday for back to school shopping."

A number of states have given families a break on back to school shopping by taking a Sales Tax Holiday prior to the start of school every year.  While it is a Democrat Club proposal they will be asking Republican Legislators and other public service groups to join in their proposal.

The Oro Valley Democratic group plans on asking the Pima County Democrat Precinct Committee and other Democrat and public groups to endorse the proposal.  

They will request legislation be drafted for introduction in the next Legislature.

SAMPLE of States who have enacted Sales Tax Back to School Exemptions

Iowa's Tax Free Weekend 2015 is coming up in August. It applies only to clothing and shoes and is intended to coincide with annual back-to-school shopping for families.

Iowa's Tax Free Weekend 2015

Iowa's Tax Free Weekend is scheduled for August 7-8, 2015. 
Sales Tax Holiday  TEXAS

Aug. 7 - 9, 2015

This year’s Sales Tax Holiday is Aug. 7 - 9. As in previous years, the law exempts most clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks priced under $100 from sales and use taxes, which could save shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend.

List of Qualifying Clothing, Footwear and Other Items Sold During the August Sales Tax Holiday

The exempt items on this list must be priced under $100. The exemption does not extend to rental, alterations or cleaning services on these exempt items of clothing and footwear.
All-inclusive list of qualifying school supplies (if priced less than $100)

The state of Florida has a “sales-tax holiday” during the back-to-school season.

Illinois: In 2010, the state held sales tax holidays for footwear and clothing with a sales price of less than $100 per item and for school supplies. However, the state has not enacted any sales tax holidays for 2011. 

2015 Back-to-school state sales tax holiday information 
Map with information state by state information.  
<Put your mouse on the various states for details.>

Friday, August 7, 2015

It's a MYTH--Fiscal Conservative and Social Liberal

I have been attempting to write for many years, mostly with limited background and education.  Some how it seemed important to be able to express myself in writing. This piece has taken a great deal of time, perhaps the biggest effort to "go against the grain" to express an opposite view of the common understanding.

Recently a friend  wrote in her blog, Restore Reason, a piece with regards to the common and standard cop-out, I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. 

Warning Progressives, there is no such thing.  You can't separate fiscal issues from social issues.  They are deeply intertwined. One affects the other, economic issues are social issues.

Conservative fiscal policies can and do have enormous social consequences.  If fiscal conservatism means low taxes, small government, reduced regulations and a free market with globalization of business and industry then it leads to human abuses.  That is a social problem.  Make no mistake the people living under the harshest conditions have not had fiscal policies ease their social burden.

If you are poor living in poverty, chances are your children are going to be poor also.  Being poor makes it harder to get an education or job training that would lead to higher-paying employment. Where in "fiscal conservative" does it appear a support system to provide boots and the bootstraps for the poor to pull themselves up from poverty.

<On the side, in my opinion, one of the most important roles in a child's education is that of the parent, parents or responsible guardian, the state or other to nurture and encourage the child's education.  "The first in the family to be a high school/college graduate.">                    
Do we really believe the poor can be expected to rely  entirely on one's efforts and resources?  Think again, fiscal conservative means slashing safety nets, services for the poor, lowering taxes for the rich, cutting rules and regulations for businesses, destroying collective bargaining by wiping out unions and employee protections such as health and safety rules on the job.

Is fiscal conservatism an inescapable trap leading to frustrations. domestic violence, alcoholism, drug use or other crimes of desperation?   Does social liberal mean "live and let live",  don't look in bedroom windows, ignore harassment of people of color, racist or homophobic actions taken by authorities, breaking down of policing?

Another aspect of forces behind fiscal conservatism is to keep the status quo, oppose changes. Voter suppression is real and the massive efforts nationwide to block voting, limiting polling access, limiting voting hours, early voting, etc.  

New requirements such as voter IDs to register or to cast ballots are designed not to prevent rare voter fraud but the continued effort to keep power out of the hands of the young temporarily away from home at school or transient, possibly away in military service or church service.  Many other folks lack the required IDs, but the whole idea is to limit open and convenient voting rights.

The WORST tactic of the fiscal conservative is placing financial hardship on people who can 
least afford the burden.  Regressive sales taxes and fees, while of course mouthing the old conservative song and dance.  Low taxes good, high taxes bad especially on incomes and capital gains.

Then comes police tactics.  Using the police to enhance local treasuries through the disproportionately ticketing people of color, blacks and browns.  Fines and fees, the people with the fat checkbooks think nothing of it, but the extra financial burden is felt by the poor. What you can't pick up with those regressive sales taxes you can pick up with fines and fees.

This additional penalty for being poor is only matched by jail and prison policies.  Can't pay the fine or get up the bail the fiscally conservatives are in the conspiracy of privatized prisons.  Prisons run by people who have no interest in reducing incarceration rates.  High recidivism rates, longer prison sentences play right into the pocketbooks of the private prison corporations.

The fiscal conservative is happy.  We got government out of the prison business so smaller government, and running a necessary government function run as a business.  The cry of the fiscal conservatives, run government like a business.  

Another devastating joke voiced by the fiscal conservatives, deregulation.    Get the government out of the way of commercial enterprise.  Yes, just like we did for the banking and financial services industry.  Where did that get us?  

We have to end government spending, especially those ineffective and wasteful government welfare programs.   Get those people to pull themselves up by their "Boot straps" we have built up generations of government depend people!  

Wait, Progressives when did we ever say we favored ineffective and wasteful government spending?  Which social liberal declared we wanted to pour government resources down a rat hole? Social liberals, don't plead guilty and let the fiscal conservatives put that on us. 

Social Liberals care about oppression of anyone, equal pay for equal work, LGBT people, disabled people, African Americans, Hispanics, Irish, well all people of color, and "Mr GOP Presidential Candidate" you need to do more than go to same-sex weddings and listen to hip-hop music to be a social liberal.

Fiscally Conservative is a bit more than just economic policies.  Social Liberal is more than live and let live.  In my thinking they are not two separate values, two peas in a pod.  One is not brown and the other green, they are in the same pod and they are both green.