Nothing New!
Every since a Republican moved into the Governor's Office again, Public Education in the form of "District Schools" have suffered one cutback after another. Underfunded, unappreciated and under constant attack by ideologues and for profit private charter schools parading as extensions of public schools, funding has dwindled.
The voters of Arizona mandated funding for public education, however the Legislature has cut and short-changed District Schools. Now the Court has ordered the voter approved public education funding be fulfilled and the Legislature has been ordered to pay up that obligation. Now it is time to live up to the Constitution and voter approved Law. Taken to Court a ruling has been given, "Money is owed public schools".
It's high time we move into gear and demand the Governor call a Special Session of the Legislature and pay our public schools the money they are owed.
Not one voice but thousands of voices. Members of the Legislature, all candidates, political leaders, school board members, teachers and all teachers groups should be making news letting the Governor know they want action now.
Letters to the editor, social and business networking sites, students starting back to school writing to blogs, picketing and letting their friends and fellow students know that they have been cheated by past legislatures. Better education choices, teachers, schools and students have waited long enough, it's the Law, the Constitution of Arizona requires it.
The Governor should have shown leadership on this issue and she has let us down. At the minimum she should have vetoed the theft, now she needs to call the Legislature into session and request they do the right thing. Start paying the students of this state the funds for their education that the Courts have ordered them to pay starting immediately with 300 Million.
The Court can order, but the Legislature has control of the state budget process. The Legislature needs to be called into Special Session to do their Constitutional duties.
Waiting for the regular session of the Legislature with the political charades the leadership demonstrates and the dysfunctional members display will result in no solid accomplishment. Sneaky, tricky sweeps of funds from dedicated (or what should be dedicated funds) is fraudulent budget balancing.
A special session with a narrow objective will cut down on the smoke and mirror distractions the few in control use to promote a few profiteers and payback special interests who furnish campaign funds.
Let's see who really believes in the Law, the Court has ruled. Time for action! Time to demand payment!
I have full confidence in FRED DuVAL if he is elected Governor education at all levels will be a top priority of his administration. The problem is IF! The voters in Arizona have been so distracted by other issues election of any Democrat statewide especially in an off-year election is problematic. Great candidates, better qualified are not always elected.
BUT, Pro-Public Education candidates have a good opportunity to pick up three additional State Senate seats giving a new look and more friendly outlook for proper funding coming out of the State Legislature for public education. People like State Senator Steve Farley, Legislative District 9, are working tirelessly to elect more Democrat candidates to the State Legislature, however, that's a battle royal and the Republican machine in this state is well aware of those efforts.
Dr. Randy Friese a candidate for the Legislature in the same LD 9 puts education high on his "to do list" in the Legislature. Dr. Friese states, "Public investment in our public education infrastructure equalizes opportunities." Friese knows the difficulties providing solid education and pledges top priority for proper funding. In order to have a high performing economy investment in education and skill training are building blocks to accomplish our goal of more good paying jobs.
Out of Arizona's thirty legislative districts, the candidates for the election in LD 9 this November you couldn't find more dedicated proponents of public education than State Senator Steve Farley, State Representative Victoria Steele and State House candidate Dr. Randy Friese.
Narrow business special interests have stakes in keeping anti-environment, anti-tax tea party types in full control of the Legislature. Private prisons, Charter Schools and "Special Favor Tax" benefits get involved in campaign finances with dark money flowing into crucial campaigns of their legislative supporters.
Elections matter, and this election is critical for Education, Jobs and the Economy for Arizona. People are moving to Arizona and will continue, The difference is are we moving forward with a solid base of better paid working people as well as the seniors and retired folks who for the most part support lower paying jobs or not?
School Vouchers are another red herring. Take your eye off the ball and switch, more of the same deceptive transferring state revenue from public education.
More discussion on education vouchers, click here
The discussion if the Governor called a Special Legislative Session where would the money come from to repay the schools the Court Order requires. One suggestion has been taking money from the "State Rainy Day Funds".
Another person wrote recently in the Tucson Weekly: a special session and repeal the vouchers and tax credits for private schools that are sucking money out of the general fund into religious education. After that, raise the revenue that voters have demanded and that is the legislators' obligation. Finally, publicize the name of every legislator who voted for the cuts, vouchers and tax credits and make this an election issue.
Whatever we do, speaking out for a Special Legislative Session seems like the best course of action.
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