In 1948 President Harry Truman called the 80th Congress the "Do Nothing Congress, he campaigned for election as President and not many expected he would win. He traved across the United States pointing out the total failures of the "80 Congress". Against all odds In 1948, a stonewalled and exasperated President Harry Truman campaigned against the 80th "do-nothing" Congress, a gridlocked legislative body that at the time was unlike any prior Congress. But even it managed to pass more than 900 bills during its two years in office.
At this rate, the current Congress won't even get close to that number. Talk about the current Republican controled House and lack of accomplishment and for sixty-six years, six decades plus we now have a Congress with less respect, less action, less accomplishment than the Congress that President Truman campaigned against and won unexpected election in 1948.
President Obama to put it mild hasn't even scratched the surface of the discontent with the Republicans in Congress by the American people. All of the forward movement by the Obama Administration rests in the biggest test of the American "mid-term election" of 2014. The question is will the Democrat party and Democrats in Congress measure up to the fire of President Truman and the voters of 1948?
Americans aren't amused. Congress has seen historically low approval ratings in recent months with a Gallup poll finding just 9 percent of Americans thought Congress was doing a good job.
What has become the sole rallying cry of the Republican party is Obamacare is the villian. Just as the then Senator from Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, found Communists in every corner of Truman Administration so have the Republicans found all the faults within the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare.
Republicans led by a really small bunch of members of their party in the House have railroaded knowing but timid members to attempt repeals of the act some fifty-five times since enactment and subsquent positive judgement by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Why is President Harry Truman important to this battle over national health care?
On November 19, 1945, only 7 months into his presidency, Harry S. Truman sent a Presidential message to the United States Congress proposing a new national health care program. In his message, Truman argued that the federal government should play a role in health care, saying "The health of American children, like their education, should be recognized as a definite public responsibility."
No one argues defense of this country is a public responsibility, provided old age pensions through Social Security, and single-payer senior health care through Medicare and education are public matters so should the health care of all Americans be part of that national concern.
Liberals and Progressives sought expansion of Medicare for all Americans as an option just as some Republicans seek private involvement in Social Security as a solution to long-term funding problems. Many for possible political advantage blame President Obama for each and every little glich on the rollout and start up of the Affordable Health Care Act.
The next President of the United States, Democrat or Republican, will be able to pick up refine and make improvements to Obamacare and it will then become the Affordable Care Act and no doubt become the hero for the FIX. Just as Social Security, Medicare and Federal Deposit Insurance have become mainstay, so will government involvement in national health care.
These many years later, President Dwight D. Eisenhower is know for the Federal Interstate Highway System so will President Barack H. Obama be known for beginning of national health care. Just as the great systems of National Parks, ending slavery, the League of Nations, accepting responsibility, the buck stops here are credited to the Presidents at the time so then will proper credit be given to President Obama.
Liberals and Progressives really understand the moving forward on these fronts were paid for in total by the collective efforts of the American People and this Congress the Obstructionist Congress that completely lost touch with almost everything but massive campaign donations by the power hungry few.
Don't know what to do with it?
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