Stop wasting money on fake border security, it's not the border, it's legal entry turned illegal.
It's the expired visas stupid!
The leadership of the Republican party isn't ready to give up cheap labor for their corporate contributors just yet, as long as we have a huge pool of underground workers too many are happy to exploit the employment situation. "Right to Work" and undocumented workers is too high a price to pay for the GOP social agenda, but that is what we have. A sick employment picture, lack of worker protections and no government controls on excesses.
Let's get real about our immigration reform. 40% of the "illegal
population" has nothing to do with our Southern border. People entered
the country legally then have gone underground when their visa time was
up. This country needs to revisit the "Good Neighbor Policy" as offered
by President Roosevelt March of 1933. Eighty years ago FDR set down a
program to improve relations with Central and South America. We need to
add Mexico and totally revamp our relationship not just with the
government but the Mexican people.
We need to recognize some simple facts, Mexico is part of North America
just as is Canada, which is treated much differently. Mexico has the
14th largest Gross Domestic Product in the world. Mexico is the sixth
largest oil producer in the world. Mexico is the ninth largest holder
of United States Debt. Mexico is the largest "auto-producing" country
in North America recently surpassing Canada and the United States.
Whose real interest is served by our continued bashing our fellow North
Americans, certainly not those of us in Arizona? Our economy depends
upon the soon to be 2 million people in the Sonora region, Tucson and
A short twenty years from now, will folks look back and a declare how
intelligent we were to pursue a new sensible immigration policy
recognizing the roots put down by millions of undocumented people many
too young to have made their own choices about living here. They are
not people from around the world who came to this country for a limited
time and purpose but stayed to enjoy what we want to deny our North
American family members.
We here in Arizona should be leading the fight for Immigration reform
doing otherwise just doesn't make sense. One last thought, without
cheap underground labor where would our local economy be today?
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