The social and economical gains we have made in the last 80 years are worth fighting to keep. Short changing our children and grandchildren, by turning over a bankrupt, environmentally spoiled world with a crumbling infrastructure in a nation intellectually unprepared for the future is not an option. We will not go back!
Friday, September 26, 2014
It's called winning!
Get Out the Vote
Obama isn't given any credit!
The economy is on the mend.
Jobs are coming back.
More Americans than ever before have health insurance.
Everyone agrees, Congress didn't help one tiny bit.
The worse Congress, probably ever, doing nothing, blocking every effort President Obama has attempted to deliver for America.
It's time to send the correct message to Washington,
'Get on board, help President Obama.'
If you can't be part of the solution get out of the way!
No more fooling around!
Time to see, things are changing America is on the move again.
President Obama has us on a progressive track!
Send President Obama a Congress more worried about the country, than narrow greedy special interests.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The call is clear, electing progressive Democrats. Save the GOP from itself!
Starting with electing a progressive as Governor. Here are the problems as I see them. The idea that cutting taxes for the rich, offering government safety net programs for low-wage income earners, then eliminating or cutting them and some how destroying education in the name of school choice will bring employment to Arizona has been proven wrong. It's a totally false program that keeps us next to poverty.
Both on the Federal and State level government spending on infrastructure, education and alternative energy are more likely to create jobs than Republican calls to cut spending and taxes to build business confidence and spur employment.
Gutting government programs, hostility to unions, opposition to minimum wage increases are sucking us dry in building a revenue base for any economic growth in Arizona. While we rely upon sales taxes to fund all of our government functions, brag about tax loop-holes for the corporations and wealthy folks, who has the purchasing power to generate those sales taxes.
The Republican and the right-wing myth with the wonderful experiment and uniquely strong ability to lie to themselves about trickle-down economics and less government is better government is just part of the problem.
The Republican Party is so disorganized and in such disarray it is really two parties each trying to pick up the banner of conservatism. The Tea Party Republicans and the more moderate Republicans fighting among themselves then coming out to hold power against the Democrats without solving their own internal discourse.
Ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. "Obama is not a real American, a Muslim intent on destroying America with his Socialist ideas."
What I see is the Tea Party and a rump of spineless modrates. The GOP, quite simply, has been split in two.
We need to send them out in the desert for a couple years to fight it out while the progressives in charge of the Democrat party seek to put Arizona back on track again. That includes electing a full slate of Democrats to statewide and legislative offices.
It shows totally in the difference between the Republican parties in Arizona and Mississippi. In Arizona the GOP is complaining about the registered Independents voting in their primary rejecting the true believers and nominating establishment Republicans.
In Mississsippi on the other hand has the Tea Party favored GOP candidate complaining about the establishment wing of the party inviting Democrat outsiders to vote for their candidate defeating the Tea Party candidate in the run-off election.
Which is it? Only the pure can vote in the Republican primary or outsiders invited in to some how protect them from their own registered GOP voters.
Out to the desert and come back when you have sorted out the issues and the platform of the Republican party.
The ideas expressed by Fred DuVall in his campaign to become our next Governor are awesome, and allowing him the opportunity to build all of our infrastructure including all levels of education is the choice we should take this election.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Republicans--Only the Pure need to apply!
Sour Grapes!!
Oh how politicans hate to lose. A.J. LaFaro, chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, said he wants the party’s lawyers to find ways around the 1998 voter-approved measure which allows Independents to participate in choosing the nominees of any recognized party. He said Independents who may not believe in the party’s “conservative values” are affecting who ultimately runs under the GOP banner.
Carolyn Cox, his Pima County counterpart, agrees Independents may be having an unwanted influence on GOP politics. “I just think it’s kind of unfortunate when people who are not in the party are selecting who the party is going to have as a candidate,” she said. So what's wrong? Up until this Primary Election the Republicans busted their buttons courting the Independent voters. All of a sudden are the Independents getting in the way of some of their Tea Party-Right-Wing extremists?
Diverse view points are not welcome. Last month with 16 percent of all Republican ballots cast by non-Republicans and the remaining 84 percent can't find candidates with pure enough views for a few Republican County Chairmen? Maricopa Republican County Chairman LaFaro said it might require actually going to the ballot in 2016 to rescind or alter the 1998 voter-approved Constitutional Amendment which empowered Independents to affect primaries.
Oh, but wait a pretty moment. That runs contrary to certain GOP money interests backing a proposal that is being pushed by a separate group going in the exact opposite direction: totally eliminating partisan politics from the primary and allowing all voters to choose among all contenders, regardless of party. Wow! Let the Dark Money in politics rule, top two special interest funded candidates face-off in the General Election.
In both Pima and Maricopa County, 15.8 percent of the Republican primary votes came from Independents. Out of nearly 550,000 Republican ballots statewide, 16 percent were from Independents. LaFaro said initial analysis suggests those Independent voters might have helped save the seats of some Republicans who his organization tried to defeat. Again, my Democrat friends, Wow! The Republican County Chairman's organization tried to defeat some of the elected Republicans in the Primary. "Eat your own" get angry and cry fowl if you lose. That's where the sour grapes come in.
“Independents, in my opinion, may not support the Republican platform, conservative values,” LaFaro said, meaning they may instead be supporting candidates that are “more to their liking” but less reflective of GOP positions. “If you want to vote in a Republican primary I firmly believe that you should be a registered Republican.”
The scene in the Republican run-off election in Mississippi is a case in point on the other side. The establishment incumbent US Senator was forced into a second ballot when the Tea Party candidate won the most votes in the Primary but not enough to win the nomination. In the second election the Republican Party leaders openly courted Democrats to come to the aid of the GOP and vote for the (maybe-really questionable) more moderate regular Republican long-time serving United States Senator.....Republican County Chairs where are you now? By invitation "Non-Republicans" pulled the GOP fat out of the fire!
Then we have the at one time darling of the Republican Party, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal telling the GOP stop being the party of STUPID!
America needs a leader to bridge the widening gulf between faith and science, and Louisiana Republican Govenor Bobby Jindal, thinks he can be that person. After initially supporting the Common Core attempt to write national education standards, the governor now opposes the project. Governor Jindal said, in a statement. “What started out as an innovative idea to create a set of base-line standards that could be ‘voluntarily’ used by the states has turned into a scheme by the federal government to nationalize curriculum.”
He of course joins the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, Jindal takes the latter stance in the name of greater "local control" of education -- which would presumably allow Louisiana schools to teach his version of acceptable "science." This is the guy that said, "the Republican Party has to stop being the stupid party", we'll see if he get on the stage with the other GOP candidates in the 2016 Presidential debates and still thinks the Republican Party is the stupid party.
Jindal you remember was chosen to delver the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union Address a couple years back and truly blew it. His newly found opposition to Common Core is widely viewed as a strategy to fuel Jindal’s presidential aspirations by currying favor with Tea Party conservatives. A onetime Common Core supporter, Jindal now claims that the federal government has overstepped its role in a whole host of areas, especially in education. Don't want to single out Governor Jindal but when he was picked to go before a nationwide total TV audience he was a bright and shining light of the "new Southern Republican Party".
When you look at the Republican leadership in the Arizona Legislature, you see it all over. Use education as a whipping boy, kiss the backsides of the Tea Party with a little sweetener for corporate and financial sponsors and otherwise pretend the reason jobs don't come to Arizona is because of all those awful regulations from the FEDs in Washington, D. C. that only Arizona has to comply.
You know comparing the Republican leadership in the last session of the Legislature with the "no-nothings", we can put them in the same box as Gov. Jindal on the issue of taking advantage of expanding Medicaid using the money available under the Affordable Care Act. (Obamacare, you know the one that has given health insurance coverage to 8 million Americans.) The miracle is some how Arizona was wise enough to join and Gov. Jindal was strong enough in Louisiana to make sure their citizens lost out.
No where here am I suggesting Republicans are guilty of flip-flops, being stupid, owned by special interests bound and determined to destroy Federal Regulations for clean air, clean water, keeping our food safe and forcing safe working conditions, not at all. Like grandpa said, if the shoe fits wear it. Democrats have their own problems with Independents, on the issues and values held most dear in the Democrat's platform and while the Independents agree time and time again, some how they end up voting for those Republicans who no longer want them around.
Go figure! Beat them up, they like it.
Quotes and information are being used from the news article as reported in news media across the state by: September 16, 2014 12:00 am • Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services
Friday, September 19, 2014
Review from Amazon---Dog Whistle Politics
Campaigning for president in 1980, Ronald Reagan told stories of Cadillac-driving "welfare queens" and "strapping young bucks" buying T-bone steaks with food stamps. In trumpeting these tales of welfare run amok, Reagan never needed to mention race, because he was blowing a dog whistle: sending a message about racial minorities inaudible on one level, but clearly heard on another. In doing so, he tapped into a long political tradition that started with George Wallace and Richard Nixon, and is more relevant than ever in the age of the Tea Party and the first black president.
In Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Haney López offers a sweeping account of how politicians and plutocrats deploy veiled racial appeals to persuade white voters to support policies that favor the extremely rich yet threaten their own interests. Dog whistle appeals generate middle-class enthusiasm for political candidates who promise to crack down on crime, curb undocumented immigration, and protect the heartland against Islamic infiltration, but ultimately vote to slash taxes for the rich, give corporations regulatory control over industry and financial markets, and aggressively curtail social services. White voters, convinced by powerful interests that minorities are their true enemies, fail to see the connection between the political agendas they support and the surging wealth inequality that takes an increasing toll on their lives. The tactic continues at full force, with the Republican Party using racial provocations to drum up enthusiasm for weakening unions and public pensions, defunding public schools, and opposing health care reform.
Rejecting any simple story of malevolent and obvious racism, Haney López links as never before the two central themes that dominate American politics today: the decline of the middle class and the Republican Party's increasing reliance on white voters. Dog Whistle Politics will generate a lively and much-needed debate about how racial politics has destabilized the American middle class -- white and nonwhite members alike.