Everywhere we turn the Republican cry is, "Government is Bad".
Get the government out of killing jobs, cut government, down with government. Less Government, we need less government, say our fellow American citizens in the Tea Party Movement. These down with government folks are in control of the Republican Party. Not one of our elected Republican officials will stand up and tell them, that Government that I am elected to serve is yours. It is there to promote the general welfare of the country, serve our people and ensure the freedom we have fought to enjoy since the founding of our United States of America.
Government furnishes strength, fairness, opportunity, and protection. A shield in a dangerous world, protection here at home, enforced rules to guide us in going about the communities in which we live. Several years ago former President Ronald Reagan turned from making movies to a regular host on a program sponsored by General Electic.
In 1962 GE fired Ronald Reagan and set him on a course to be elected President of our country. Ronald Reagan made a statement calling the Tennessee Valley Authority an example of "big government". He went on to critize the operations as wasteful and a costly government program without merit.
Ronald Reagan was right, the Tennessee Valley Authority was indeed a government program established in 1933 under the New Deal of the Roosevelt
Democratic Administration. No private business was going to provide for navigation, flood control, electricity generation, transmission lines, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development for that region of the United States. Included in receiving the benefits of that huge government undertaking were the people of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky and small portions of Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia.
The government made jobs with the building of dams providing hydroelectric power, electric power transmission lines, economic stimulus and helping farmers get their wornout land back into production of agricultual commodities. The revival of agriculture bringing profits back to the poor farmers of that area was a miracle in itself.
Low cost electricity with the power producing facilities drew industries to the region producing desperately needed jobs, payrolls, hope during the great depression all with the resources of the federal government. Government was none to soon, as the massive government projects were coming online the great war was coming on and as it turned out America needed aluminum, to build planes and instuments of war.
The electricity provided Alcoa (a private company) the huge amounts needed for aluminum enrichment. This provided the needed aluminum so our government could protect us and ensure our freedom.
How did this play into the election of Ronald Reagan President of the United States? In 1962 Reagan critized TVA as a wasteful government enterprise and as a result GE fired him from his television program GE sponsored. TVA just happened to be a big customer of expensive GE made turbines for electric power generation. Ouch, you bit the hand that fed the hand that fed you.
The same political fame that President Barack Obama enjoyed after addressing the Democrat National Convention Ronald Reagan attained when he addressed the Reublican National Convention that nominated Barry Goldwater. Ronald Reagon was a smashing hit with his convention attack on "big government", the conservative Republicans in control of that convention made a new political hero.
Two years later in 1966 Ronald Reagan the movie star, tv host, was elected Governor of California. Barry Goldwater lost the election but the Republican party had a new hero.

The social and economical gains we have made in the last 80 years are worth fighting to keep. Short changing our children and grandchildren, by turning over a bankrupt, environmentally spoiled world with a crumbling infrastructure in a nation intellectually unprepared for the future is not an option. We will not go back!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ronald Reagan was wrong! GE Fired Him
Monday, August 15, 2011
USA Challenged
The extremists in the Republican party have completely taken over the agenda of the Republican political movement and replacing common-sense with nonsense and anti-President Obama rhetoric.
To this extreme group of people organized as the Tea Party will destroy every bit of progressive life protections and enhanced living conditions leaving every person for themselves, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, forget that you have no boots world.
Across the country with the financial aid of rich corporate conglomerates who have through tax loopholes, special tax favors and just plain tax dodges accumulated wealth at the expense and on the backs of less fortunate hard-working, taxpaying, middle-class Americans gained governmental power to put in effect radical laws that are now destroying an American way of life.
In the name of jobs, yelling government and taxes are the problem they have succeeded in slowing economy activity, halted our capacity to expand more employment by putting our government on the tab. By destroying our flow of tax revenue with tax cuts, starting unfunded military foreign ventures, making drug companies rich with needed unpaid for senior drug benefits and giving the rich needless escapes from citizen responsibility.
No where have the Republican dominated US House of Representatives asked for one ounce of fair and shared effort for their super rich patrons.
In order to perpetuate their mismanagement of governmental affairs they have placed roadblocks and limitations on even the basic rights of Americans to vote. Discourage, confuse, and frustrate voters until they give up and leave voting to a few influenced by wedge issue politics.
Republican politicans have squeezed our confidence, promoted a tumbling faith in our own country to gain election advantages for total control of our way of life and make a few even richer at the expense of the America we inherited. What kind of America are we passing on to our children? Greed, has provide a luxury existance to a few, with less and less for the rest.
Stop and think, what does "tax relief" really mean?
Less taxes for some, no jobs for many and more money in the pockets of a few.
What does "less government regulation" mean?
Dirty water, foul air, rotten food, bad drugs, no consumer protection all in the name of more money for a few corporate giants.
To this extreme group of people organized as the Tea Party will destroy every bit of progressive life protections and enhanced living conditions leaving every person for themselves, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, forget that you have no boots world.
Across the country with the financial aid of rich corporate conglomerates who have through tax loopholes, special tax favors and just plain tax dodges accumulated wealth at the expense and on the backs of less fortunate hard-working, taxpaying, middle-class Americans gained governmental power to put in effect radical laws that are now destroying an American way of life.
In the name of jobs, yelling government and taxes are the problem they have succeeded in slowing economy activity, halted our capacity to expand more employment by putting our government on the tab. By destroying our flow of tax revenue with tax cuts, starting unfunded military foreign ventures, making drug companies rich with needed unpaid for senior drug benefits and giving the rich needless escapes from citizen responsibility.
No where have the Republican dominated US House of Representatives asked for one ounce of fair and shared effort for their super rich patrons.
In order to perpetuate their mismanagement of governmental affairs they have placed roadblocks and limitations on even the basic rights of Americans to vote. Discourage, confuse, and frustrate voters until they give up and leave voting to a few influenced by wedge issue politics.
Republican politicans have squeezed our confidence, promoted a tumbling faith in our own country to gain election advantages for total control of our way of life and make a few even richer at the expense of the America we inherited. What kind of America are we passing on to our children? Greed, has provide a luxury existance to a few, with less and less for the rest.
Stop and think, what does "tax relief" really mean?
Less taxes for some, no jobs for many and more money in the pockets of a few.
What does "less government regulation" mean?
Dirty water, foul air, rotten food, bad drugs, no consumer protection all in the name of more money for a few corporate giants.
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