Friday, September 16, 2016

Tucson Sun Tran

Citizens panel: Find ways to boost ridership instead
By Joe Ferguson
The city's citizen-led Transit Task Force has sent a message to the City Council: Don't raise bus fares and focus on increasing ridership.
The 11-member board voted earlier this week to oppose the various proposals to increase fares in an attempt to generate more revenue for the city-owned bus service. The City Council is expected to vote on the proposed fare hikes Tuesday.
The task force's decision puts many on the board in direct conflict with those who appointed them, as each member of the council, the mayor and the city manager can put one person on the taskforce.
In June, the City Council signed off on a $1.4 billion budget for the current fiscal year that included increased revenue from Sun Tran riders.
Former City Councilwoman Margot Garcia, a member of the task force, said she wants to see the city make an investment in the service. Examples would include adding more buses to popular routes, improving predictability when buses will arrive, Wi-Fi service and discounts to encourage buying passes.
Brian Flagg, a member of the task force and one of the founders of the Tucson Bus Riders Union, said the city still has a lot of work to do regarding bringing up ridership numbers to what they were before last year's transit strike.
The focus for more revenue should be increasing ridership, Flagg said, before asking existing riders to pay more.
Councilman Paul Cunningham, who has put forward his proposal for fare increases, is refusing to back away from a pledge to raise fares.
Every other city department has had to make painful cuts to balance the budget, he said, and it is too late to reverse course on some fare increases for bus riders.
Cunningham says the base fare should remain at $1.50 per ride because an increase could discourage 'casual riders.' Instead, Cunningham wants to increase the economy fare to 75 cents over the next four years.
Competing proposals from Mayor Jonathan Rothschild and City Manager Mike Ortega rely on other models to increase revenue from riders.
Rothschild suggests holding the economy fare to the current rate of 50 cents per ride while increasing the regular fare to $2 per ride.
Ortega's proposal would increase the base fare to $1.75 per ride and the economy fare to 75 cents per ride.
Councilman Steve Kozachik said the bus riders deserve to see some improvement in the bus service if the council is going toincrease fares.
Sun Tran is continuing to struggle to increase ridership to pre-strike numbers, and a fare increase would hinder those efforts if there are no improvements.
'We will be shooting ourselves in the foot,' he said.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Democrats Reconnect before it is too late.

Your opinion matters, I would like to hear from you.  E-Mail me,  put in your subject line: Reconnect

White working class voters have deserted the Democrat Party and in mass have joined the TRUMP for President and the Republican Party he now heads.  Unless Democrats bring the once prosperous middle class back to the fold we could be doomed with the government bought and paid for with "Dark Money", and the biggest hustler to join the political class...ever!

What is left of the Democrat Party are elitist almost snobbish, educated and skilled professional types with job security, decent incomes and little or no empathy for those in lower circumstances.

Listen!  The backlash is clearly audible against "moochers", government programs, the rich getting richer and not paying their share, while others are standing in the food checkout lines paying for T-Bone Steaks with food stamps.

Up comes the cry, "Let's make those free-loaders work for public benefits!" and "Time to banish free food, free healthcare, free housing, for lazy do nothings!"  These mutterings are followed by:  "Trump has it right:.. Let's make America Great again!"

The times before the loss of jobs, welfare checks and resentment of "bureaucracy" and anti-government views, before the middle class was destroyed and too many fell into poverty -- were these what we fondly remember as "the good old days?"  Perhaps so...

No wonder, then, as people fell into poverty and they saw those who were still living the life of the middle class -- government employees, city, county, state and federal employees, steady income workers and those receiving health insurance, retirement plans and the beautiful benefits associated with year around jobs -- no wonder they became desperate.

Their deep feeling of resentment became "The deck is stacked against us."  Complaints abounded condemning those minorities who are taking our jobs at half the wages, those "illegals" flooding across open borders that have no security; foreigners standing on street corners picking up those construction jobs that used to be unionized, good paying with added benefits...

No wonder people are taken in by the likes of Trump screaming "Back to the good old days!".  It's not the days, per se, it's the good paying jobs!

Remember the pride we had in America?  America the strong, the proud... before people became angry, distrustful?  Now we're left with     empty stores and former workers who are poverty-stricken.  Now we have have desperate people exploited by payday lenders, auto title loans and advertisers shouting, "Cash for Gold."

As the financial crisis and the housing bubble burst down went jobs and up went unemployment.  Downtown streets and parks have become meeting spots for unemployed, druggies and dealers.  Idle hands turned to crime, despondency became dependency on illegal substances.

Looking around, people saw that there seemed to be plenty of money being spent on foreign countries, money being poured into military build-ups, but nothing for drug rehab, mental health treatment or worst of all, our kids' educations and paths to and paths of opportunity.

Meanwhile, where are the children of today?  Are they all doing "beer-runs" and shop lifting a pair of shoes or a fresh shirt?...  Unfortunately, America's youth is going downhill fast.  All too often what young people call "home" is a house of violence with frequent screaming matches and blame throwing.  Divorce coupled with "troubled times" can bring on harsh conditions for the young.  As kids find themselves thrown into despair and uncertainty, they're all too often shuffled from one place to another, losing what roots and stability they had in sunnier times.

Suburbanites too often live like hillbillies without the back wood hills: fighting for quick profits over education, job skill training or family support.  No wonder so many are looking for easy solutions and a way out.  They slide so easily into becoming willing followers of Trump and the Republicans.

And we know what we can expect from the Republicans.  They are all focused on turning their gains into more profits while diminishing government protections.

Trump appealed to the discouraged with empty promises:  Follow me, and I will make you great again.  I will make everyone in the world pay for associating with us.  It's all their fault thinking they are smarter than Americans.  I will send them the bill and make America great again.

Hey, Donald... What if they don't pay the bill?

Democrats, people who so want to believe no matter what --  are falling for the trap...  Scapegoating is nothing new, Trump has no answers, but futile promises, "Buy my ticket and I will make you rich again."  Ever won much on the lottery?  Our chances with the Trump Republican Party are exactly the same.
The way back to the good old day...electing Democrats starting with the state legislatures, congress and yes, local offices.  That is the way to building a renewed solid middle class.  Democrats have led the way before and can do it again, we are experienced builders.

!!!My special thanks to K. Pastryk for her assist in editing my work and helping so much in presenting a more readable posting.!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Borrowing from--It's the numbers stupid!

We can look at the White House or we can look at Congress this election, but it is right here at home and to begin with the Arizona State Senate to find no better place for a challenge to start making profound political change.

It's the numbers!  Control of the legislative process, direct input into the budget process where the money goes and where it comes from is right now three Senator votes away from a Democratic majority.

In the Senate a majority is 16...that's what it takes to force comprise, elect leadership, control committees make or break what laws get passed or repealed.  This past Senate had 13 Democrats and 17 Republicans, but those 17 Republicans with the Republican Governor and Republican House of Representatives CONTROLLED what happened in state government.

Look again  17 - 13!

Now take away 3 and add them to the 13 and what do we have?   A sane and sensible Democrat controlled state senate 16 - 14!  The number is still a total of 30, however when the first day of the session begins and the roll is called those 16 Democrats exercise power over the flow of business in the Senate by electing a presiding officer.

Appointment of members to committees, naming of committee chairs, hiring of staff, the WORKS!   That is where comprise and Democrat input starts being felt again in state government.

A lot of words to point out how important it is to elect a Democrat in Legislative District 11.   RALPH ATCHUE is gaining ground against his Republican opponent and needs your help.

Word of Mouth and published words, like in Letters to the Editor and knocking on doors spreading the news to your entire sphere of influence.


Contact Ralph for a list of newspapers in LD 11 and volunteer to help.

Ralph Atchue <> .

A simple little letter - sample:

Like Spring time blooms flowers, election time sprouts signs.  No one can help but notice the battle for space on every corner.  Most political signs offer no more relevant information than the candidate’s name but some do go beyond that.  One such campaign sign gives me pause.

The so-called Conservative Team of Steve Smith for Senate  and Mark Finchem and Vince Leach for House have been planting signs every where across Arizona’s Legislative District 11.  If you look closely, you won’t see who paid for these signs, or even a contact name - did they appear from thin air? The signs carry their 3 word slogan: “God * Family * Country”  In the case of these three incumbents this is only a catchy slogan - their voting records are proof they don’t believe in any of it.

In this past session they voted to shred the state constitution regarding public education funding, definition of “conflict of interest” and stacking the State Supreme Court.  They voted to enhance “Dark Money”, make access to higher education more expensive and to give taxing authority to non elected developers. All of these hurt Arizona’s working families.

Perhaps most egregious, is their lack of concern for Arizona’s most precious resource - our children.  I’m sure we all agree that well nourished and healthy kids stand a better chance for success than those who are hungry and sick.  The Conservative Team, knowing the impact of their vote full well, voted twice to kill KidsCare.  Arizona would have been the only state to deny under privileged children this Federally paid for program.  Smith, Finchem and Leach proved they don’t care at all about God, family or country.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Watch out Congress you are losing, right-wing ALEC is replacing you

Profiles in Courage is a 1957 Pulitzer Prize-winning volume of short biographies describing acts of bravery and integrity by eight United States Senators throughout the Senate's history. The book profiles senators who defied the opinions of their party and constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered severe criticism and losses in popularity because of their actions. 
With help from research assistants and the Library of Congress, President John F Kennedy wrote the book while bedridden during 1954 and 1955, recovering from 

back surgery.  Kennedy's speechwriter Ted Sorensen is given credit for much of the writing.
The point is so much new material is being played out in the Republican Party with key members standing tall against Donald Trump and his march to the GOP nomination for President. 
As Congress remains relatively dysfuntional, state legislatures are playing an ever-more-important role in shaping vital public policy.

Many state legislatures have been co-opted by organizations such as The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
According to its website, ALEC "works to advance the fundamental principles of free-market enterprise, limited government, and federalism at the state level through a nonpartisan public-private partnership of America's state legislators, members of the private sector and the general public".
ALEC has produced model bills on a broad range of issues, such as reducing regulation and individual and corporate taxation, combating illegal immigration, loosening environmental regulations, tightening voter identification weakening labor union's rules, and opposing gun control.  Some of these bills dominate legislative agendas in states such as Arizona, Wisconsin, Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Maine.   Approximately 200 model bills become law each year.
ALEC as an organization that gave corporate interests outsized influence.
ALEC was founded in 1973 in Chicago as the "Conservative Caucus of State Legislators"  ALEC was co-founded by conservative activist Paul Weyrich, who also co-founded the Heritage Foundation.    Henry Hyde, {Hyde Amendment** is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest,  ...In 1976, Congress passed the Hyde Amendment, which banned federal Medicaid coverage of abortion. } who later became a U.S. congressman, and Lou Barnett, who later became national political director of Ronald Reagan's Political Action Committee, also helped to found ALEC. Early members included a number of state and local politicians who went on to statewide office, including Bob KastenTommy Thompson, and Scott Walker of WisconsinJohn Engler of Michigan, Terry Branstad of Iowa, Mitch Daniels of Indiana, and John Boehner and John Kasich of Ohio.   Several members of Congress also were involved in the organization during its early years, including Rep. Jack Kemp of New York, Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Sen. James L. Buckley of New York, Rep.Phil Crane of Illinois, and Rep Eric Cantor of Virginia.
**Planned Parenthood on the Hyde Amendment

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is a bipartisan non- governmental organization (NGO) established in 1975 in New Orleans.  
NCSL is run by an Executive Committee made up of legislators only. Corporations and their lobbyists are not members of NCSL committees.

Since 1975, NCSL has been the champion of state legislatures. We’ve helped states remain strong and independent by giving them the tools, information and resources to craft the best solutions to difficult problems. We’ve fought against unwarranted actions in Congress and saved states more than $1 billion. We’ve conducted workshops to sharpen the skills of lawmakers and legislative staff in every state. And we do it every day.
NCSL is committed to the success of all legislators and staff. Our mission is to
  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures.
  • Promote policy innovation and communication among state legislatures.
  • Ensure state legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system.

Social Impact Bonds (SIBs), a type of pay-for-success funding agreement, are a private financing mechanism used to fund social programs. SIBs are gaining interest from policymakers at all levels of government as a way to mitigate the simultaneous demands of tight budgets and rising social service costs. To date, state level SIB activity has centered on legislative efforts to authorize the process, create study committees, begin pilot projects,  engage in feasibility studies and learn which types of programs this financing tool can be effectively used for

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Tucson's Unique Opportunity-Housing

Number one, I have complete confidence in Tucson's Mayor!
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild has his ear to the ground, is in touch with his city and its massive needs and opportunities.  In other words a progressive, sharp and informed man of outstanding abilities.

While its manager-council type government and the elections of membership on the council are under attack with suggested changes, luckily enough the Mayor has an elected council he can work with and generally support his leadership.  In any city of any size that is important, yet the Pima County governing Board of Supervisors desperately needs the kind of cooperation among its board members to match that of Tucson the largest city in the county.

This city situated 60 miles from the United States - Mexican border with all the flavors and memories of the old west, the cowboys, the gun fights affectionately called The Old Pueblo is the 33rd largest city in the United States. Tucson metropolitan statistical area is home to over one million people and in spite of overwhelming problems continues to be one of the fastest growing areas of the country.

Mayor Rothschild is pushing an initiative, Help for Homebuyers, which seeks to boost home ownership through assistance programs for low and middle income Tucsonans.  Great BUT!

Many different government sponsored financial programs are available to "put" people in homes they own.  In order to participate "money and credit management" classes are required to place new homeowners on solid footing and teaching them of financial responsibilities they may not have been aware of prior to purchasing a home.   Good BUT!

First before I become identified as a crusty, ill-tempered old curmudgeon,
let me assure our readers, I totally and completely believe in any program that improves the vitality and quality of life of our "inner cities".

Rededication of land, land recycling, infill, renewing neighborhoods, urban renewal...all boil down to putting the existing infrastructure to its highest and best use while not fostering the downhill side of property values.  Nor on the other hand urban sprawl and costly new infrastructure.

Resource Library:  Urban Renewal
Urban renewal is a state-authorized, redevelopment and finance program designed to help communities improve and redevelop areas that are physically deteriorated, suffering economic stagnation, unsafe or poorly planned.

Portland, Oregon Urban Renewal
The Portland Development Commission plays a major role in making Portland one of America’s most livable cities, using urban renewal as a tool to focus public attention and resources in specific areas of the city.  PDC helps Portland realize capital projects ­– parks, streetscape improvements, community centers –that would not happen on their own.
PDC leads the planning and implementation of comprehensive projects that fulfill Portland’s goal of creating healthy, vibrant neighborhoods throughout the city. The agency focuses on implementing plans unique to each urban renewal area, using an integrated approach to revitalization that includes commercial, retail/institutional, residential/mixed use, streets, mass transit and parks development.
Portland's Urban Renewal dates back to the late 50's and the Federal Government's funds made available to the Portland Development Commission to wipe out a whole area of downtown Portland and rebuild new. Eliminating negative surroundings and influences leading to day and night positive activity in the core city area promoting a wholesome environment for all people.
While state and federal funds are not always available Portland has used the tax system and special bonding programs to finance urban "rebirth" over the years.
Tucson needs a dedicated commission or board to oversee vitalization and preservation of historic sites and all landmarks, yet bring vitality to urban life. 
Back to, Yes But!
There is more to home ownership than financing the purchase of a property.  <I remember the time I received a call from a tenant about seven at night.  They had no electricity, yet all the surrounding homes had electricity, could I come out and see what was wrong?  Make a long story simple and short, I went out and found the "fuse box" in the basement with a flashlight and replaced a fuse.> 
With these home assistance programs, no money down, total financing the new home owner will face a number of problems.  Many of those problems are going to be the age of intercity homes.  To help the new owner, bringing as much of the property up to date as possible and smoothing out the transition from tenant to "landlord" is going to be necessary.
****Such things as insulation, thermal pane windows and other updates for the new owner prior to purchase can be the home saver if unforeseen things happen such as a job offer and a necessary move or broke down water heater pop-up.  Don't expect these subsidized buyers to have enough equity to pay the costs of selling if absolutely necessary.
<Caution, I have had NO experience with "Home Warranty Programs" but wrapping a policy with a new buyers purchase plan seems like it might make a lot of sense if something desperate happens in the first couple years of ownership.>
In years past, inflation or appreciation on homes was one of the huge benefits of home ownership.  That gets to the other, BUT!
In the last few years the "real estate bubble burst" and it has taken a long time to get property values back on the upswing.  Tucson did not recover as fast as a few other areas of the country.  Property values depend a lot on government services, taxation and schools.
In order to make it practical to be a home owner gaining property value in Tucson a lot depends on the political powers in the state.  That final But, People have needs to justify a move to Tucson to create a real estate market to repay that 30 year debt, jobs, family and their opportunities for lifestyle.  <Meaning Yes Schools>
For that, Mayor Rothschild needs more than just cooperation from other local governments and other local officials.  An informed electorate that actually votes.

****6/21 Added  Prepare Homes for New Owners
Notes from readers have encouraged me to add additional information and comments on home ownership.  As new first-time "landlords"/owners move into their newly purchased homes with minimum out of pocket cash and long-term commitments every effort should go into helping them with their cash flow and monthly housing expenses.

Up grades such as adding insulation, installing water-conserving toilets in bathrooms, replace the HVAC system and get rid of those leaky old windows and doors not only add value to the homes but will cut monthly housing expenses.

HET Single-Family Residential Rebate Program

The High-Efficiency Toilet (HET) rebate program is available to Single-Family Residential Tucson Water customers whose homes were built prior to 1991, or if located in the County, built prior to 1994. Rebates are available for replacement of toilets that use 3.5 gallons per flush or more with HET models that use 1.28 gallons or less per flush.
Makes so much sense to give new owners  <and existing owners> money saving features.  Tucson Water customers can receive $75 per HET with a maximum of $150 for two toilets.  Click
Save Water & Reduce Monthly Expenses

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

YOU, the most important plug in the next election.

One of our active unpaid writer friends <CLYDE STEELE> forwarded this link and it verified everything I have been thinking for a long time. Important as the message is, it will go totally unnoticed unless we, all of us, progressives, move to seal the information gap.

Who even subscribes to the local newspapers, maybe at times pick a copy from a FREE rack somewhere?

Demise of Local News May Be Ruining Congress

"claim credit for accomplishments"

Example of that claiming credit is a recent opinion piece by Arizona Southern District Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally in the Tucson Daily Star .

"Congress helps fight national--and local--opioid problem."

<prescription opioids such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, and codeine, and the illegal opioid, heroin> 

Congresswoman McSally, use your efforts to push the Republican leadership in Congress to fund drug treatment, nationally and locally with federal grants.  Get the Republican controlled Legislature to provide some reasonable access to rehab patient and drug treatment centers rather than funds for more private prisons.  Require and Fund treatment for those already serving time in state and local incarceration.

Us against them, the collapse of real accomplishments of Congress, the donnybrook and gridlock that has given the negative view of Washington as seen by far too many Americans.

"Why stick with the district's needs over party loyalty when no one in the district will ever hear about it -- except the die-hards who support the party line no matter what?"

The article writer hits the nail on the head, unless we carry the message who really knows the happenings, getting it from the likes of the Koch Brothers paid minions bringing a "doctored" message?

Letters to the editor, comments in social media all help but the biggest is the word of mouth to all of our spheres of influence.  Talk as you walk, family, friends, neighbors all need to know how Congress is failing us, who locally are failing us, and the replacements available to replace failed politicians.

Start off with a solid progressive, knowledgeable former state legislator, Victoria Steele to replace Martha McSally in Congress.  Victoria Steele has demonstrated dedication to the causes of "helping people rather than punishing them".  There is no such thing as "boot straps", some of these folks don't even have shoes.

Numbers count, who controls Congress to help improve our next progressive President's course of action is a reliable majority.  Arizona is in a very unique position to elect a US Senator with experience, talent and smarts, Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick.   Promote Ann Kirkpatrick to the Senate and begin the come back of progressive congressional actions.

Ann Kirkpatrick has lived in Arizona her whole life. She’s spent her career fighting for Arizona families. Now she’s ready to bring her record of results and join our next President to bring America forward in a world needing progressive thinking.

It is up to us, volunteering with our local progressive organizations, or as elected Precinct Committee members standing with our local party organizations in our county and legislative districts.

There is a hole in government and it is up to us to plug it.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Before your child is born, plan for their prosperity.

Parents have the choice of their child's lifetime of poverty or prosperity. What is the magic connection of being poor or respective economic stability and better financial circumstances?

SIMPLE  -  Education and Skills
Planning for your child's lifetime of prosperity boils down to active participation in their education and building useful skills. It is important that you are prepared, no matter where you are on the ladder of education, to foster, enhance and actively promote your child's education from day one. Being a parent is more than changing diapers, potty training and sending a child off to school. Engage in every step of the educational experience, guide and encourage your child.

Demand educational opportunities and access to building useful skills for your child.  Participate with your child's teachers, make sure you take the time and make the effort to be there and set aside for hands on educational experiences with your child.  NOT ONE PARENT-But BOTH!

Technological advancement does displace workers, outside economic conditions does effect unemployment, however education and skill sets will provide a combination of abilities and pave the path toward innovating and reshaping their prospects in a changing world job market.

Creative people will find ways to move forward faster even in a world of global economic challenges.  You must provide the solid base for your child to move forward with encouragement of gaining the educational and skills for a modern society.
Your task is not done, an informed and educated citizen on matters of education is a must.  Attending parent - teacher conferences showing an interest in your child's education is an important role of every parent.  It may hurt taking your time to attend parent teacher groups, but knowing and exchanging with other parents and teachers demonstrates commitment to your child.

Another important step are the school board meetings, just being a member of the audience, watching and listening keeps these public officials on notice.

Do your duty, VOTE.  A little effort on a parent's part to vote on school proposals, ballot measures and candidates prone to support educational opportunities for children is a must.  Support those who are willing to move forward and are progressive in their actions toward public education on all levels.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

GUILTY? Trump Fashion Painting Twisted Truth

TIM STELLER, a very talented Tucson Arizona Daily Star investigative reporter and columnist paints a half truth story of incentives used by government to steal or otherwise attract employment to our state. In his headline story, "Incentives are fine, but job deals have to be good" he cites a number of failures of companies that moved to Tucson lured by incentives then packed up and left. One of those companies Steller points to was American Airlines who opened a "call center" in 1991 building a new building and at one time was home to approximately 1,500 employees. He places them with Weiser Lock who while giving the company credit for bringing 1,100 jobs to Tucson and being a good corporate citizen "sponsoring the Copper Bowl for several years" but eventually moving its' operations to Mexico. Yes, American Airlines updated their operations in Tucson and closed their physical call center plant, but they did not leave Tucson and like so many other companies move their operations overseas or out of the country. No one in India, the Philippines or Mexico are answering calls for American Airlines. Many calls are still being answered right here in Tucson from the same skilled, company trained dedicated call center specialists as before the building was closed in 2012 and many of their employees became stationed in their homes. A couple facts, the Philippines was purchased from Spain in 1898 it became a US commonwealth in 1935 and remained so until independence was finally given in 1946, after the World War II. Official languages are Filipino and English giving way to why so many companies have moved their operations to lower wage English speaking Philippine Islands. American Airlines is a permanent fixture in Arizona with a huge presence out of both Tucson and Phoenix. New labor contracts have moved their "call center" home-based employees to the top of the wage, benefits packages for the United States. Mr. Steller's characterization of American Airlines as an incentive based corporate failure is totally without merit. American Airlines move to Tucson lead the way to a number of other employment based call centers, job opportunities and payrolls feeding a growing Southern Arizona economy. Not all marriages work out, and not all business proposals are perfect, let's hope Comcast's huge move opening a customer support center in Tucson works for them and additional incentive programs bring more solid employment to our area. Another factor not mentioned in the STELLER article about American Airlines is the still active full-time American Airlines employees feeding their payroll dollars into the Tucson economy are the thousands of dollars received each month by the dozens of retired American Airline folks also paying handsome returns on the incentives used to lure the call center to Tucson.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Governor Ducey payback time

A dark money group backed by Charles and David Koch is behind a well-funded effort to undermine protections at the Grand Canyon and overturn the Antiquities Act, the law President Teddy Roosevelt used to permanently protect the area in 1908. If successful, the campaign could stop a permanent ban on uranium mining near the canyon’s rim, despite support for such a ban by a vast majority of Arizonans.
“Dark money” groups can raise unlimited amounts of money from donors they do not have to disclose, thanks to two infamous Supreme Court decisions.
The Koch brothers’ anti-park effort is being run through the Arizona-based Prosper Inc. and its sister organization the Prosper Foundation Inc., which share a physical address, a logo, a staff, and a founder — Kirk Adams. Adams served as Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives from 2009 to 2011, ran a failed attempt for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012, and is currently the Chief of Staff to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey.
Earlier this year, Prosper co-authored a report with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce Foundation, which declared that protecting the public lands around the Grand Canyon National Park as a national monument would be a “monumental mistake” that represents “unwarranted and unwanted federal overreach” and would “undermine” the state of Arizona. It calls the Antiquities Act — which has been used by 16 out of the last 19 American presidents to protect places like the Grand Canyon, Chaco Canyon, and Arches — “the worst kind of federal overreach.”A dark money group backed by Charles and David Koch is behind a well-funded effort to undermine protections at the Grand Canyon and overturn the Antiquities Act, the law President Teddy Roosevelt used to permanently protect the area in 1908. If successful, the campaign could stop a permanent ban on uranium mining near the canyon’s rim, despite support for such a ban by a vast majority of Arizonans.
“Dark money” groups can raise unlimited amounts of money from donors they do not have to disclose, thanks to two infamous Supreme Court decisions.
The Koch brothers’ anti-park effort is being run through the Arizona-based Prosper Inc. and its sister organization the Prosper Foundation Inc., which share a physical address, a logo, a staff, and a founder — Kirk Adams. Adams served as Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives from 2009 to 2011, ran a failed attempt for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012, and is currently the Chief of Staff to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey.
Arizona’s Native American tribes, small businesses, and conservation groups, have asked President Obama to use the Antiquities Act to protect the 1.7 million acre gateway to the Grand Canyon and permanently prohibit new uranium mines on the canyon’s rim.
Havasupai Tribal Councilwoman Carletta Tilousi, a proponent of the Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument, told the The Arizona Republic that “everybody has a right to go to their church and enjoy peace and quiet and not be disrupted by truck hauling uranium, and not be contaminated.”
Prosper, which was formed in 2013, covers nearly its entire budget with funds from Koch-backed American Encore — formerly known as the Center to Protect Patient Rights. According to tax filings, American Encore has funded 83 percent of Prosper Inc.’s total budget since its creation, donating over $1.5 million to the organization in 2013 and 2014.
The President of American Encore is Sean Noble, a longtime Koch lieutenant who was “plucked from obscurity” in 2009, according to ProPublica, and quickly ascended as a key player within Koch’s dark money network. Noble’s organization is placed squarely in the center of the Koch’s funding network. American Encore (and the Center to Protect Patient Rights before it) was described by the New York Times as a “conduit for tens of millions of dollars in political spending, much of it raised by the Kochs and their political operation.” The organization has donated over $177 million to conservative causes between 2011 and 2014.
This is not the first time Kirk Adams and Sean Noble have made headlines for their ties to Koch money. In 2012, the Center to Protect Patient Rights and Americans for Responsible Leadership — another dark money group run by Kirk Adams — were fined $1 million by the state of California for failing to disclose its donors, a violation which amounted to political money laundering. And Noble has been a long-time financial supporter of Adams’ political career: Noble donated to Adams’ 2010 reelection to the Arizona House and Noble and his ex-wife maxed out their donation to Adams during his failed 2012 bid for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Kirk Adams, Sean Noble, and Prosper also have deep ties into the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, which is partnering with Prosper to fight against protections at the Grand Canyon. Noble’s business partner at Axiom Public Affairs — an Arizona-based lobbying firm — is Jim Norton, who is also the Arizona Chamber’s contract lobbyist. And the Chamber’s Chief Operating Officer, John Ragan, is married to Prosper’s Vice President, Ashley Ragan.
Protecting the Greater Grand Canyon as a national monument has an extremely high level of support in the state. A poll released in February by the Grand Canyon Trust found 80 percent of Arizonans support the proposed monument — including 65 percent of Arizona Republicans. But most of Arizona’s congressional delegation — including Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake, and Representatives Paul Gosar, David Schweikert, Trent Franks, and Matt Salmon — want the gateway to the Grand Canyon open to uranium mining.
Local news reports have noted that these politicians’ views are out of the mainstream in Arizona, even within the Republican Party.
“It wasn’t clear why some Arizona leaders would defy overwhelming support for protecting the Greater Grand Canyon region,” said Roger Clark, the Grand Canyon Program Director with the Grand Canyon Trust. “Now we know: backing a national monument would undercut their political patrons who are invested in undermining efforts to protect public lands.”
Just last month, Senator John McCain was the beneficiary of Koch-backed dark money when the Judicial Crisis Network ran paid ads on the senator’s behalf to provide cover for obstructing consideration of Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement.

Just last month, Senator John McCain was the beneficiary of Koch-backed dark money when the Judicial Crisis Network ran paid ads on the senator’s behalf to provide cover for obstructing consideration of Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement.
A recent report from the Center for Western priorities highlights the long history of private interests opposing protections for America’s public lands. In the late 19th century, early attempts to permanently protect the Grand Canyon were called “a fiendish and diabolical scheme.”
In the final year of the Obama presidency, groups are urging the White House to do more to protect lands in the face of congressional gridlock. In February, President Obama used the Antiquities Act to declare three new monuments in California. The focus has now turned toward proposals to protect the Greater Grand Canyon and Utah’s Bears Ears regions.
Greg Zimmerman is the Policy Director at the Center for Western Priorities. Nicole Gentile is the Deputy Director of the Public Lands Project at the Center for American Progress. You can follow them on Twitter at @GregorZimmer and @nicolegentile.

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

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People in America feel helpless right now. Our political system is gridlocked, politicians either don’t care or are bought via campaign contributions, and that fighting back is a waste of time and energy.

It’s not true, though.
I know it’s not because of my own experience. In 1982, I managed the campaign for an initiated amendment to the Nebraska Constitution that outlawed non-family corporate farming in the state.
Giant insurance companies had just bought 30,000 acres of environmentally-sensitive land—and then slapped on center-pivot irrigation systems—and while a lot of people were upset, no one did anything about it.
However, I was working for the tiny Nebraska Farmers Union, and we decided to do something about it, and we announced an amendment to the Nebraska Constitution that, if passed, would stop non-family farm corporations not only from buying Nebraska farmland, but also from expanding their factory farms.

When it was announced, we were almost laughed out of the state.
Who were we to challenge the might of giant, mega-rich insurance companies like Prudential and Travelers?
Plus, by the time we got it written, we only had 4 months to get 60,000 signatures—and we had no money to hire paid circulators, this would all have to be done with volunteers.

Even we thought we were screwed.
Nebraskans were mad, though, just like everyone in the country is now, and—to my amazement and delight—completed petitions flooded into our office like the “mighty river of justice” described in the Book of Amos, and we qualified for the ballot.
We still had to win the election campaign, of course, and things once again looked bleak when the insurance company consortium announced that they planned to raise and spend $500,000 to beat us. Bleak, especially, since we didn’t have two nickels to rub together, as the saying goes.
But we’d come to far to stop, and we took our case directly to Nebraska, giving speeches, TV debates, radio shows, anyplace that we could gather a few people together.
Every time you turned on your TV or radio, or opened up your mailbox, you were told that we were going to destroy Nebraska agriculture, we were socialists, that we were misguided fools.
In the end, though, more Nebraskans believed us than the giant insurance companies, despite the fact that we were outspent 13-1, and we kicked their butts—beating them 56%-44%.
And proving that if everyday people believe they can win, they CAN win.
Which takes me to the initiatives that TakeItBack.Org is doing, both of which take on the deadly status quo that is slowly strangling our democracy.
We’ve chosen, like Nebraska Farmers Union did years ago, to fight back. If we pass our “Trifecta of Reform”, it will transform South Dakota not only for the present, but for generations to come.

1. a constitutional amendment to do away with gerrymandering by establishing a nonpartisan redistricting commission creating fairer elections
2. a constitutional amendment to do away with divisive party politics by establishing a nonpartisan election and electing candidates based on merit and ideas
3. a statute to hold the elected and the government accountable that reduces the undue influence of ‘big money’ calling all the shots
And we will then take these reforms to other states, believing—as we do—that moving pieces around the chessboard no longer works, we need to CHANGE the chessboard. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016


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